JJC Profile PicJAMES CARVER is immersed in the worlds of music, art, film, fashion, advertising, writing, photography, architecture, design, art direction and ideas!

Looking back. After stints in a couple of Ad agencies James went freelance at 26. He founded The Leisure Process as Europe’s first Youth specialist Creative agency a few years later. As Creative Director of The Leisure Process James was responsible for the company’s Creative output as well as finding and nurturing new talent. Many of his former hires are now big shots in the Ad world. James also discovered many photographers, illustrators and designers that have gone on to do great things.

14 years on James wanted to direct more ads and music videos and he’d spotted an opening for a new type of Creative agency. He founded Harry Monk as a Film Production company and co-founded Cunning Stunts as a new type of Guerrilla marketing company.

Another 14 years on CUNNING is recognized as one of the world’s first “Disruptive” agencies. Solution neutral ideas. Cross channel, multi-platform thinking. Making brands famous by giving people reasons to talk about them. CUNNING operates thru office in the UK and USA. www.cunning.com

For the past few years James has focused on film-making and made his first movie. STARVECROW challenges tradition on pretty much every level. www.starvecrow.com

James is also developing a slate of Content ideas for TV and online.
More details at www.wildboarproductions.co.uk

Retrospective is the tip of an iceberg of work covering over 20 years. Not necessarily the most recent, successful, famous or effective of James’ films, but a selection that means a lot to him.